Feb 21, 2022NothingnessDo nothing vegetable gardenIn this vegetable garden there is no addition of manure, compost or other material from the outside, no weeding, no pesticides and no...
Jan 5, 2021Farm ShizenWinter vegetables grown with zero energy inputEnergy spent to grow 1 kg of food today (seeds, tractors, plowing the soil, using fertilizers, irrigation, hoeing and herbicides, using...
Sep 30, 2020Vegetables grown from seed balls and growing with weeds in Konya, TurkeyThe seed balls you see in the first photos were scattered in the ground on 13 June and germinated on 21 June. Mother nature accepted the...
Aug 10, 2020Farm ShizenBoxes full of natural foods continue to reach people’s homes every weekNatural products from the farm, many of which are grown with seed balls, are sent to people in 5 kg boxes. Moreover, it doesn’t matter...
Apr 11, 2020PhilosophyDo not water vegetables and fruitsTake a look at the roots in this photo. Spinach and radish roots. How deep it can go when you never give water. They process the soil...