Our projects 'Sowing seeds in the desert' are all about starting up Natural Farms in desertified areas and in communities with problems to food accessibility.
In November 2022 Kutluhan has been to Kenya to develop natural farming projects and grow food for the people as they are facing a very serious hunger situation and a very serious drought. In the period that Kutluhan was in Kenya he was able to develop and establish three vegetable gardens and organize with local tribes and communities the preparation of seedballs. When Kutluhan arrived in the Maasai tribe area, he realized that they were living in a very difficult condition and there was a serious problem of hunger. The Maasai survive on three things: meat, blood and milk. Natural Farming helps them to establish their own vegetable gardens, so they can be in control of their own food resource again. When Kutluhan returned to Italy he immediately planned to go back and grow more food with the Maasai in a natural way where they don't need any water or expensive tools.
In 2023 an even bigger international group volunteered for this project and helped making vegetable gardens and reforesting barren lands by planting trees and making seedballs. The group of volunteers also established many vegetable gardens at different orphanages in the Mombasa area. Children there are in need of love and a feeling of security. With our natural farming project, we were able to give them both.
Moved by the commitment of the orphanage, Kutluhan realized this was just the beginning. He called for further action, and in the following months, volunteers eager to support this meaningful cause traveled to Natural Farm Shizen, where they were trained in the principles of natural farming. Equipped with this knowledge, these volunteers returned to the orphanage to tend the garden, ensuring a steady supply of healthy, natural food for the children.
Find some pictures and videos below.