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Jan 16, 2023
Natural Farm Shizen
In the spring there was very little rain, and now a week of rain is arriving. More than 60 varieties of seeds are ready to be sown. First...

Aug 9, 2020
Boxes full of natural foods continue to reach people’s homes every week
Natural products from the farm, many of which are grown with seed balls, are sent to people in 5 kg boxes. Moreover, it doesn’t matter...

Apr 10, 2020
Do not water vegetables and fruits
Take a look at the roots in this photo. Spinach and radish roots. How deep it can go when you never give water. They process the soil...

Oct 18, 2018
Trifoliate orange
The oldest ancestor of citrus, even so old, whether it belongs exactly to the citrus family or not has not been resolved. A great...
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